Battling to make money online?

How I Used This New "3.51TB Folder" To Make 6-Figures as a 15-Year Old.

(and my step-by-step process so you can just copy me without any experience)

A glimpse of what you can expect inside the folder...

Total Size: +3.51TB

Total Value: +$1,453,000

What is the 'Premium Money Folder'?

The Premium Folder is a 3.51TB file packed with courses.

This folder took me from rock bottom to making 6-figures as a 15-year-old in just a year.

And if you want to fast track your way to $10k/mo,

Whether you're a beginner or experienced,

Then this 3.51TB Folder will be the best resource you’ll ever get.

But first off,

Why would I give 3 terabytes of courses away?

Here's why:

I deeply believe that if you want to become extraordinary at something,

You have to be putting in extraordinary work.

Working, practicing and being there when others aren't.

Dreaming bigger, working harder, achieving more than everybody else.

This is what Elite is all about:

We teach people how to become Elite at making money.

You see,

I tend to get a lot of joy when helping other people,

And since helping gives me a sense of purpose,

I decided to give away the resources that I spent thousands of dollars on,

Which saved me lots of time, and made me tons of money,

All on this page right here.

This resource isn't supposed to replace working hard,

But rather make it easier to work hard.

(I'll explain what I mean further down below)

This resource is called...

The 3.51TB Folder.

You see,

With all of those internet gurus selling the same outdated information online,

Me and my network have dedicated over a year, to purchasing courses,

split-testing their information from different sources,

and carefully comparing each course side by side with our meticulously developed ‘Elite’ strategy.

We’ve handpicked the best-of-the-best and have put them inside one folder.

And the outcome has been amazing so far.

Everyone who has gotten the folder is mind blown by the quality of information inside.


Considering we spent tens of thousands of dollars on these courses,

I'm obviously not going to give the folder away for free,

But I'm not going to charge you a lot either.

So here is...

Everything you're getting inside the folder:

Dropshipping (326,27GB)

Crypto Trading (983,9GB)

SMMA (204,19GB)

Copywriting (180,56GB)

Sales (177,74GB)

Print on Demand (69,85GB)

Social Media Algorithm's (55,29GB)

Personal Brand Building & Funnel Hacking (59,77GB)

SEO (35,12GB)

Email Marketing (4,31GB)

Machiavellism (3,58GB)

OnlyFans Management (2,49GB)

BONUS: Tyson 4D (204,27GB)

BONUS: Tai Lopez (218,18GB)

BONUS: Charlie Morgan (176,65GB)

BONUS: Dan Lok (151,27GB)

BONUS: The Real World (143,23GB)

BONUS: Iman Gadzhi (379,11GB)

BONUS: Capital Club (83,29GB)

BONUS: Russell Brunson (80,40GB)

BONUS: Grant Cardone (69,12GB)

BONUS: Patrick Bet David (44,01GB)

BONUS: Adrian Morrison (40,85GB)

BONUS: Andrew Tate (18,50GB)

BONUS: Hypnosis Training Academy (17,50GB)

BONUS: Anthony Robbins (12,97GB)

BONUS: Dan Koe (11,89GB)

BONUS: Hamza Ahmed (10,38GB)

BONUS: Dan Kennedy (9,95GB)

BONUS: Alter Ego Effect (3,00GB)

BONUS: PDF Libary (831,4MB)

Total Size: 3.51TB+

Total Value: +$1,453,000

"With all of those courses won't I be confused?"

Let me ask you this...

How many free value courses have you watched on YT already?

If you’re like most people in business,

You’ve probably watched 100s of hours of YT courses…

Maybe even tried implementing some of the strategies,

But you’re still making less than $1k per month.

That’s at least what I hear from more than 90% of people getting the folder.

Pretty sad to be honest.

But let me ask you this,

If all these “experts” on YT claim you can hit “$10k/mo in 90 days”,

Why doesn’t the info work for everyone?

The value might be on point,

But there’s something crucial missing…

Think about it like this:

A newborn child learns how to behave by watching how adults interact, speak and move.

But when it comes to learning a specific skill, like tying their shoes,

They still need hands-on guidance.

Without showing them the ropes, It would take them far longer to figure it out on their own.

It’s the same in business.

You can watch all the tutorials you want, but without someone to guide you…

It’s easy to get lost and overwhelmed.

If you’re trying to secure 4 or 5 figure months in the shortest time possible…

You need someone to hold your hand,

Show what you’re doing is right,

And what you need to stop doing ASAP.

That’s why you’re getting access to our exclusive "Priority-Support"

So you’ll never make costly mistakes, get lost, or be stuck in analysis paralysis.

I will hold your hand and ensure you never get lost or stuck while going into the depths of this folder.

You'll be able to have fastlane access to me (meaning you can ask me any question...) and receive a detailed response as soon as I see it.

Because if you don’t have someone who walked the path before you and can give you specific feedback directly,

You’re wasting your time.

You'll be able to have fastlane support to guide you every step of the way.

I definitely have an addiction to making offers a no-brainer.

But first off...

Before you click that juicy red button above...

See what other people have to say about the folder...

Smnz made 20.000€ in one day by selling Dyson products to companies.


Made 311k Rubles ($3.5k converted) in one month after getting the folder.

Txni landed his first SMMA client in the first 3 days using the folder...

(...and has signed 6 clients ever since)

Need more proof?

More proof from myself:

Even more social proof:

"Does the folder cost something?"

Let’s be honest, my friend…

How many people do you think have watched and implemented the courses posted inside the Elite discord?

Chances are, not a lot.

The truth is,

Most people in the make-money game love free material…

But they never implement anything with the information they’re given.

Everyone loves free information, but hates taking action.

If you’ve made it this far, chances are you do take action.

Which is why you understand that…

Paying Is What Gets You To Pay Attention.

You’d know that if I would give everyone inside Elite, the folder for free,

Most people would procrastinate as they have so much info,

and never take action because of that.


If they would invest money into the 3.51TB Folder,

I’m sure everyone would try to squeeze as much value out of it.

Plus, they’d get a custom tailored blueprint and 1-1 access to ask me all questions.

In short,

People that pay, pay attention.

This is exactly why the folder is priced at $199.

So to get this straight,

Once you purchase the folder you will get:

You don’t have to suffer through every mistake yourself, when others have already done the suffering for you.

If all of this sounds fair for $199,

Click the button below to get lifetime access to the 3.51TB Folder.

There's a small catch though...

The 3.51TB Folder won’t be on sale forever…

And no this isn’t some fake shit I’m trying to pull off.

The folder is in EXTREME high-demand.

Remember how I told you about that I mentor every one of my folder clients?


I like to keep my track record good,

That’s why I’ll be taking this offer out at some time to focus more on coaching my current students.

So if you’re waiting for the right time to getting the help you need,

Know that there will never be a perfect time.

In fact,

The longer you wait, the worse things get.

I’ve been there many times trying to get to $40k/mo.

Scramble up the $200 you need,

Buy the only resource you’ll probably ever need,

And get the success you deserve.

Click the button below if you’re ready to get mentored.

Guidance is how people "Get Rich Quick"

All successful people had someone who guided them into success.

Every successful entrepreneur had a mentor,

Every world champion had a coach.

Even history's greatest minds had mentors.

Having no one to guide them is why some people spend years of experimenting, failing and starting over,

While others who have a mentor succeed in first 6 months.


They have someone who already walked the path and can light the way.

The truth is...

You don’t have to suffer through every mistake yourself, when others have already done the suffering for you.

This is why with the 3.51TB Folder,

You'll be getting a tailored business plan,

Personal mentorship from me,

Along side 3.51TB of the best courses designed to give you the knowledge to succeed.

Sound compelling?

"Is this all really true?"

Considering you’ve just seen a literal mountain of results and social proof…

The only reason I would see why you wouldn’t get the folder (right now) is because you don’t trust yourself going through the material.

So here’s my…

Guarantee #1:

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I am so certain you’ll make money with this folder that I'm willing to guarantee it.

That means if you for some reason don't find the folder suitable to you in 30 days of owning this folder,

I will personally refund you all your money.

Just message me on Discord and I'll return your investment with zero hassle and no hard feelings.

So if you for some reason don't find the 3.51TB folder helpful, then I’ll personally return your initial investment.

Guarantee #2:

Support From Me

I will hold your hand and ensure you never get lost or stuck while going into the depths of this folder.

You'll be able to have fastlane access to me (meaning you can ask me any question...) and receive a detailed response as soon as I see it.

Can you name someone that would do that for you?

That just shows you how much I care about you achieving the online success you deserve.

And I'll make sure you make money, or again... I'll give you back your investment.

Here’s What To Do Next…

From here, It's just finalizing your payment details so I can send you the 3.51 TB folder.

Go ahead and click or tap on the glowing button below now, and you'll get the folder right away.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Everything you're getting inside the folder:

Total Size: 3.51TB+

Total Value: +$1,453,000

P.S. Just to make it crystal clear... you won't be left-empty-handed. I will hold your hand every step of the way to help you make money, so you'll never get lost, confused, make costly mistakes, or become stuck in 'not-knowing what to do'...



Copyright © 2024 Elite, Inc. All rights reserved.